Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Saturday, June 14, 2014


I am home from surgery.  I'll tell more later because I'm getting sleepy and it's time for meds but it went really well.  The things that were damaged were fixed and the ortho told my mom that I will have a great prognosis as long as I am good with following the instructions.  So 2 days of laying in bed are done, 3.5 more to go and then I'll only be in bed 23 hours per day or something like that.  I did wind up with the nerve blocks (3 in total; 2 for surgery and one of those was supposed to be left in for 5 days but it quit working this morning so that my pain went from 4 to 8-9 in about 5 minutes (the first number was from before I tried to move) so I got another one today that has me totally numb.  I know there is space in my cast to move a little but I can't wiggle my toes yet, much less move my foot or ankle.  This seems to be starting to wear off a bit but I don't know how strong the block will remain until it comes out Wednesday (or sooner if i choose).  I have made it to the bathroom alone once which was great (it takes some extra effort because not only am I non-weightbearing but I have this bag a bit larger than a clutch purse that contains my nerve block pump and it goes where I go.

So now begins 12 weeks of non-weightbearing and then I will start therapy and learn to walk without external support again.

It was a very positive experience with nurses who were great advocates for pain management and I am so glad it is over.  (OK, so the first part is over.)  And now I am sleepy so I'll take my pain pill and see what I can do.)


Becky said...

Great news. Glad the surgery went well.

Jean Grey said...

I'm glad it went well, and that the surgery is over.