Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Friday, November 17, 2006

So-called Mental Illness

Since I took this new job I have discovered a new medical diagnosis: Mental Illness. I have now had 2 patients with this diagnosis. I thought that mental illness encompassed specific illnesses that it might be wise to name so that those treating the patient know what is going on, but apparently I was wrong.

The worst of this is that I'm pretty sure that "mental illness" is this doctor's way of saying "bipolar". One patient has bipolar symptoms. The other is on a big dose of medication often used for bipolar. In fact it is a HUGE dose of the med.

I am now expecting that all people with heart problems, orthopedic problems, hearing problems, arthritis, etc. will be coming to me diagnosed as "physically ill" and then I can sort that out too.

There is a problem with this picture.....

1 comment:

Sarah Gee said...

I like that diagnosis. I'll take it. : ) I have "mental illness" today. <3