Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Catching up

So I haven't felt a lot like posting as you've probably noticed.  The last several days I am so tired I can't do much besides sleep.  Today I've also folded 2 baskets of clothes and washed some dishes and that is all I can handle.  I'm assuming I'm anemic and that it's bad enough to feel crummy but not enough for a doctor to feel they need to get back to me.  Sleeping all the time is pretty strange after the insomnia for so long.  But besides having had massive blood loss I just don't feel good.  Don't know if it's hormones, my unhappy uterus which is causing nearly constant cramps, or what but I'm just not feeling well.  So we'll see if they are able to help or not.  Dr. Body is out of town so I suspect his partner is only managing emergency labs.

Alex continues to fight pneumonia.

Happy stuff...my niece had a wonderful "big birthday party" (as opposed to her family party on her actual birthday).  She was soooooooooooo excited.  My sister called my mom early the morning off to make sure I was coming because Anne had asked twice already if Aunt Jen was coming.  She was so very excited to  have ALL her people together. She picked up a bubble wand (big) and thought was a mop, so she kept taking this to mop the floor while the adults discussed what she'd do.  When the cake box was opened she had to see the cake about 7 times.  She played, served all of us sand and water tea, rode the little carried her great-grandma bought her around while adults followed to help steer and carry it up the hill.  Months ago I tried to teach her to roll down a hill.  She indicated she wanted to try so I showed her again (for the last time.  that is not a job for a 36.5 (as Dr. Body's email system informs me) and then helped her roll.  One of the best pictures of us together ever was taken of that.  This is about the point that I dropped my camera and smashed it.  My mom got me a new one the next day.  I hate that but couldn't ask her not to because I love taking pictures and am kind of the family photographer and a really good deal was found.  Nonetheless it's not my favorite thing I've ever done.  Anyway, birthday party...one of the funniest things was watching her eating ice cream with a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other.  She loves sweets and she loved every bite of ice cream and cake.

She likes to master something before doing it publicly and so she didn't want to unwrap her gifts herself but by the end was tearing paper carefully but independently.  She loved her gifts.  I was surprised because I thought she'd be confused by my beanbags but instead she threw nearly all of that at or towards the containers for that purpose.  My mom was down there today and had her walking across them (part of why we did that was to help her work on gross motor skills which are not her best area.  I guess that sometimes kids who are way ahead in one area (speech) lag in another (gross motor) because they direct so much energy to the advanced area.  Since she is talking in 6-8 word sentences with correct use of verbs, conjunctions and adverbs/adjectives she is clearly a bit advanced there.  In fact my sister asked her the other day why she was upset and she said "I am frustrated".  When my sister told her it was her birthday when she woke up that day her response was "we'll have cake and balloons and candles.  Hot wicks. Don't touch"  She gleaned all that from her books.

And now that her birthday is over it is time for me to move on to Christmas.  I'm making my mom pajamas for her birthday  which has to be the next project since that celebration will be just before my surgery.  And after that (actually as soon as my mom cuts my template for me) I have to get to work on Christmas presents.  My grandmother made these patchwork-ish picnic table clothes 30 years ago and we all love the memories when we use it.  So I'm making one for each sibling and one for my mom.  Which means I have not quite 200 sqaures to cut and sew together.   I also want to make my niece some pajamas and she's getting pajamas that match pajamas I'm making for mama.  So, I will be busy during the boring part of recovery when I don't feel well enough to do much but am past sleeping all the time.

That's about it.  I need to change sheets, shower and probably sleep.  I haven't made it all night yet but I have fallen asleep at a normal bedtime once.

Copyright 2006 www.masterofirony.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Michal Ann said...

Jen! You're doing wonderfully! Don't you find sewing fun and relaxing, all things considered?! I'm so sorry about the anemia but glad for the sleep. The cost is too high but you have to rest in any case so keep at it!

Anne is such a beautiful little girl and I'm delighted to share vicariously in her adventures. There's nothing more delightful than a precocious two year old. What a triumph for your bean bag making! It's so neat that you thought of making such a classic, wholesome, handmade-by-Auntie-Jen toy! Tablecloths to follow.


Today is mom Su told me that he is so weak from the time in paralysis that he can't even hold a cup to his mouth. He has to make his own bathroom runs now and it's very difficult. He even speaks slowly and with effort...a huge change! His spirit is very sweet and he's so eager to CHOOSE LIFE! You can easily click a few buttons to have my daughter's blog sent directly to your inbox so you don't miss any developments. I can't always keep people up to date.


In fact, I am going camping with the grandkids for a few days so I won't be on my computer. Then the daughters of my late sister are coming to town and I will be caught up caring for them.

Bye for a bit...

Love, Michal