Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Oh so anxious

Anxiety is beating me up today. There are any number of reasons. The ortho nurse was supposed to call me back yesterday about whether a scar tissue nodule in my heel can be removed. She told me last week I had to see the surgeon about this and I was going yesterday but she woke me at 7:30 wanting to know why I was coming. When I told her she said I did not need to come in and she would call me at the end of the day after she talked to the dr. She still has not called. So I wirry that I am having this huge surgery and may still have pain or need another procedure.

Then I spent time this morning working on my hospital bill, a monthly, useless occurrence that stresses me out terribly.

I saw Dr. Mind for an easier visit but what I am worrying most about right now with my brother is not something he knew the answer to. That is hard because I don't know who to ask.

My mom and I packed up most if the rest if what was at her house. I have a lot of organizing to do tomorrow.

And then our internet went out. This is from my phone. I have stuff to read but wanted to work on some stuff tonight.

So nit my easiest day. There is so much going on. And that won't change for a ling time. At least surgery has a date to dread and then it starts to improve. 6 weeks frim tomorrow.

Anyway time to work on settling in for the night.
Sent from my Samsung Mobile

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