Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, December 12, 2011

The wrong day to pick a fight with me you jerk

I got home a little bit ago after finding out that Dr. Body could find no reason for my feeling crummy, backed up by yet more labs (things to watch after toxicity), the need to go buy (this is actually ironic given what is coming here) some larger shirts because mine aren't fitting so well right now because the so-called "nearly weight neutral" med is not for me.  I desperately opened email, praying to have something from Dr. Brain.  No, instead I had numerous comments from a post from 2007.  Specifically, this post.  You'll have to follow the link, I can't summarize it well.

First, commenting nastily on a post from four years ago strikes me as having nothing nice to say and looking for something to attack.  Second, judge not lest ye be judged?  Third, if you (jerk) read on you might notice that as my meds were adjusted and I wasn't taking huge doses of meds that cause weight gain in nearly everyone who takes them I went on to lose all the weight that I was discussing in that post.  Fourth, before you attack someone, please know who they are.

You (jerk) obviously want a reaction.  Now, considering that I'm about ____________________ far from being suicidal and not much further from needing to be hospitalized for depression, I'm so glad you felt that picking on me would help.  Thank you.  You truly made my day.

So, since you obviously want reactions, you can have some.  Jerk.

so, why not make a lifestyle change? what about people who are healthy and take measures to take care of themselves? should we be destined to wear fat clothes because the majority of our society is fat? oh yeah, that makes sense. if you're fat, do something about it. stop blaming and complaining, it does nothing, and oh yeah, your fat will still be there. geez. i feel bad for all the kids suffering from child abuse at the hands of all these ignorant, lazy, fat parents. 

Had you bothered to read this blog you might have noticed it is about being bipolar.  I have difficult to stabilize bipolar and most meds to treat bipolar result in weight gain, often a great deal of it.  I eat healthily but my body's metabolism if affected.  This is clear that when I go on certain meds I gain weight and when I go off them I lose weight.  At that particular moment I was on about the worst combination of meds for weight gain I've ever been on.  That I did not gain MORE weight was impressive.  As for what I wrote it was mainly saying that I couldn't find clothes that fit because my body size didn't fit available sizes and that this seemed odd since I'm not the only person to be short and heavy.  If you read anything, jerk, you'd know that I live in an extremely rural area and don't have many options.  Our stores are also smaller than city versions and I have trouble finding short sizes even when I am a size 10.  Or 6.  I've been heavier or not depending solely on medications for a long time.  You assume I've always been heavy.  Until psych meds I was a scrawny 118 lbs.  Did I blame anyone?  No.  I do now point out that medications were to blame, but that's the simple truth.  Did I complain?  Only that I'd like clothes that fit.  As far as child abuse, let's talk child abuse, because this is where you become INCREDIBLY INSENSITIVE JERK.  I can't HAVE children because I was abused.  And if I were I would bring them up exactly as I was in terms of food:  I did not know candy existed until kindergarten.  I love and have since I could eat vegetables, fruit and lean meats.  My favorite food at age 3 was broccoli.  I was abused but I age healthily.  My weight has nothing to do with my parents, it has to do with medications, jerk.

EATING WELL AND BEING ACTIVE A LITTLE MORE THAN NEVER is found to have essentially no negative side effects. Maybe you should ask your doctor if {edited from profanity to say that perhaps you should ask a doctor about exercise} or you guys can continue to eat yourselves to death while waiting for some "magic" solution that fits your fast,cheap,easy American lifestyle. Obesity kills-- although it is an expensive way toward population control
I am quite likely to eat more healthily than you do.  I exercise and have a job that requires a great deal of physical strength and a high activity level, even more so back then.  The only magic solutions I seek are 1) better treatments for psych issues 2) clothes that fit.  What do you know of my lifestyle, you jerk?  Obesity kills a lot slower than suicide.  That's the reason it's better to take psych meds than and possibly die earlier than not taking psych meds.  For me at least, it's an individual choice.  One of my meds beats up my kidneys as well.  I may eventually die younger from kidney failure.  I know this and have made decisions accordingly and will continue to do so as needed.

Obesity screams lack of self-respect. And if people can't take care of themselves...well, survival of the fittest speaks for itself. It's not up to anyone else but yourself to decide how long you want to live. Oh let's scream genetics all day long-- DUH, YOUR LIFESTYLE CHOICES determine to a large degree HOW your genes develop. Quit coming up with excuses to make yourself feel better...that time should be spent figuring out how to take control over your life. 

If you are such an expert on this then why don't you have the self-respect to sign this series of nasty, out of the blue assaults?  Why don't you use your expertise to develop weight neutral psych meds that are well tolerated and effective?  The experts in these diseases have been trying without much success but I'm sure you are smarter than they are.  I never mentioned genetics.  Although I do have individuals who are overweight in my family, most are not.  I was not overweight in the slightest until psych meds, and I attribute my weight issues to my psych meds.  If taking meds to stay alive and able to contribute to society (versus sitting at a computer and being nasty to a stranger without reading background anonymously, you jerk) is a lifestyle choice, then yes, I've made one.  On the other hand we try hard to keep me on more weight neutral meds because I can maintain a healthy weight on the meds I'm on now but if anything is added that causes weight gain then I gain weight.  I do indeed determine how I live and I take much more control over my life than you are likely to do, you jerk, by taking meds that do have harsh side effects and don't always make me feel great.  I have no excuses.  My meds cause weight gain.  Most psych meds do.  I've been on nearly 50 of them over the years.  There are consequences. They are worth it.

So, jerk, you got your reaction.  You got it simply because perhaps someone else who is attacked like this can find support.  In the meantime, this blog is about bipolar disorder and if you care to contribute to that then do so respectfully and you are welcome.  Otherwise go away and don't come back.  Further comments will be deleted.

Oh, and good news.  Right now I am far too depressed and emotionally turned off internally for you to hurt me. So you didn't even succeed.  Now, I am going to turn around and try to get help for my psych issues.
Next time you attack perhaps you should check out the context of who/what you are going after.  Of course being perfect you have nothing that is out of your control in your life.  Right.  You jerk.


Anonymous said...

What in the world is "Jerk" up to, commenting on a post almost exactly four years old?? Your responses are great! It seems that "getting your back up" has energized you. You don't sound worn down but I'm awfully sorry this happened! I guess there's a lot that happens behind the scenes.

I'm sure glad you got to see Dr. Body today. It's useful to know what you DON'T have to worry about!

One more night of studying...

(((hugs))) Michal

Anonymous said...

Yay Jen! Way to put that jerk in his/her place. He/she obviously knows NOTHING about you. Nothing.

I have a sign in my office that reads, "You can't fix stupid." I agree you can't fix it, but you sure did a great job making the facts known! Thinking back, it's true that you never ever have complained about weight gain from meds - only mentioned about clothes fitting correctly. You don't complain about much - I think of you as a "just the facts ma'am" sort of gal. (Does that Dragnet reference age me? Ha ha)

It's good to see you "get your gander up" once in awhile, and it sure was justified tonight. I vote that person off the island. Ok?


Anonymous said...

Hey B! I just learned something other than Anatomy and Kinesiology. I took a peek at Jen's site after hours in the books. I hadn't heard the expression "get your gander up." I only knew "get your dander up" and personally use the word "gander" to mean "look" as in "take a gander at..." It seems that both expressions are in use. How many other people are saying "gander" instead of "dander"?
Google shows:
"my dander up" 1660
"my gander up" 91 Ratio 18:1

I had no idea! I wonder if it's a regional thing? I'm in the Seattle area.

IN ANY CASE, I'm with you in cheering for Jen's spunk! And I know exactly what you mean by the Dragnet reference, "just the facts, ma'am, just the facts." Go Jen! And so nice to hear from you, B.

G'night ladies! Michal