Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Thursday, January 26, 2006

This is what must change

I just randomly found a message board devoted to people posting negative comments about bipolar disorder. I didn't even get that was the point until I read half of it. Then I couldn't stop. There was one person who tried to defend the victims, but he just wound up saying that bipolar and seriously depressed people are very intelligent but lack motivation, through no fault of their own maybe. Um, I consider it HIGHLY motivated that I get out of bed and work every day even though I take enough sedatives to keep most people knocked out for 3 weeks and I have a disease that makes me exhausted anyway.

The worst comment (and it attacks lots of people, and the rest of the post goes on and on about others in this group) was "The lines beteen [sic] bipolar, retarded, and lazy (expletive) are thinner than ant ****". Um, yeah.

Hence my point, this needs to be maintained as a rare illness, not the social excuse of the month.

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