Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Birds and the Bees

I did not mention last night, but may have somewhere in the past, that I'm also dealing with debilitating nausea. I almost always have nausea when taking meds, and I started meds for that several weeks ago with some success. Then as my stress increased it has worsened to the point that I spent last night throwing up anything that thought about entering my stomach, and today trying to get a minimal amount of fluid in.

I saw the doctor today. As we discussed the problems I'm having I mentioned that I am able to eat one food at a time, sometimes several times, before my body no longer wants that food. All other foods trigger nausea. Consequently I own the contents of a grocery store.

My doctor, who is only a few months older than me, looked very uncomfortable, shuffled his papers, and said "I hate to ask this, but is there ANY chance you could be pregnant?". I told him no, he mumbled something about remembering I told him I wasn't sexually active nor would be any time in the near future, and then he told me "It just takes once you know".

Hi, my name is Just Me, I'm 30 years old, have a biology degree, and my doctor just explained sex to me.

1 comment:

W. Throckmorton said...

Just part of the job you know...