Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Thursday, October 13, 2011


So I didn't have enough on my plate apparently as I now am sick. This is my first upper respiratory infection since the asthma started and I'm pretty nervous about it. I coincidentally had a pulmonology visit today so the right person will be checking it out quickly, but this is so not what I needed right now. I am going to have to go through the whole "this is a very bad time for me to try oral steroids" thing. The strangest thing is that this is like a cold but my nose is not stuffy or runny. My sinuses are hurting and I can hear them crack and pop, I have a somewhat sore throat, my tongue is sore (?), and I don't sound good coughing, but it's not really a cold. I have no idea what to call it. My mom says my sister has it too. The other unfortunate thing is that today is busy and I can't just lay around and rest. I have Dr. Asthma at 4, but I have to leave extra early because of construction. So that means leaving at 2 and killing time. Then after Dr. Asthma I have a gap and then Dr. Mind. Then on the way home I have to stop and get my TB test read (has to be 48 hours from when it was placed which means it is too early to do it before then. I may just put that off and go tomorrow but I hate committing to that when I know I may not feel well. I thought this might happen when I had an asthma attack after simply climbing stairs yesterday. I knew that wasn't right. At least I can tell myself "I told you so".

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