Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Random Things

This is a lot of unrelated items tonight:

  • I can breathe. I went to urgent care on the way to work Monday and spent yesterday sprawled in bed. Antibiotics are really wonderful. I should be fine by the weekend.
  • I got my hire packet for my new job. Wow. It still doesn't seem real. But I'm more excited than anything now. I'm feeling very sure of my decision. In 2 more weeks I'll tell you why.
  • I have to be fingerprinted twice for this job. Ick. At least the rules changed. Last time I had to do it myself and I messed it up and the ink still wouldn't come off. Now it has to be done by police. But I bet the ink will still be everywhere.
  • I also have to have 2 more needle sticks. This does not make me happy. It will be a total of 12 since May and I have 2 more coming in November. This especially is annoying because it's for a TB test which I just had a negative on, but I don't have my original sequenced one from my first job 6 years ago, so I have to start over. Stella, you and all your shots amaze me!
  • I'm going to reach 100 posts really soon. And I have had well over 600 visitors.
  • With a visit yesterday from Africa I have also now had a visitor from every continent but Antartica. Now THAT would be something.
  • Hot lemonade (1 cup very hot water, 2 1/2 T lemon juice, 2 T sugar or honey) feels so good with congestion and sore throat.
  • My mood is SO, SO much better. I think I'm finding peace in my decisions, and the more I go through saying good-byes and the like the more I'm sure. There are things I wish I could accomplish but it is no longer an environment where I can happily do that. I am starting to believe this.
  • I am going to survive. Thank God.


Anonymous said...

Oh man! The last two bullet points made me break out in THE BIGGEST (pronounced with a French accent, just for emphasis, too) grin!!! You ARE going to survive! You CAN do this! We are going to make it through!! I promise!!!

I can't wait to hear more about your new job, btw. :)

Just Me said...

Two more weeks from tomorrow and I can spill all. I can't wait to tell about it! I just can't go through what happened at the current job (which is a fairly interesting story in itself), but I am not comfortable going too public until I'm way out of there. Not that it really seems to matter. Recent rumors that I was able to substantiate showed how serious the shortage of people in my field is: someone billed for working with someone who had just died. (clearly they hadn't gone into the room or read the chart carefully...) The state penalty was a week of suspension. And I know that there hasn't been a speck of interest in my job. So firing me would be fairly stupid. Yet at this point it's a pride thing.....So, many bad things said nicely to come!

Anonymous said...

I tried to comment earlier and couldn't, so I'm going to try again!

Am I the Stella of many shots fame? If so, I feel so famous! :-) (but really, you'll do whatever you have to do if it's a choice between life and no life)

It sounds like the new job is going to be a wonderful, positive change. Can't wait to hear all about it.
