Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Thursday, June 05, 2014


I am so annoyed with someone that it is nearly positive that I'm exhausted.  (Dr. Mind, groceries, unloading MANY groceries, making a soup to freeze, puppy to lake to play but cut short by ill-mannered pet owner and dog who jumped on our puppy and held him under water so we took a walk and left, ball with puppy, putting away 20 tons of groceries, etc).  And I've been sleeping a lot lately and didn't today so that probably adds to it.

I have a cousin who tends toward self-importance.  One of those people it can be hard to be friends with on facebook because whatever you post he will try to top it. 

In trying to make a decision about the nerve block thing (90% sure no but still gathering data and can't make a final decision until in the OR) I posted on facebook that if any of my nurse friends have experience with peripheral nerve blocks through working in OR, recovery or ortho could they please contact me.  I really hoped for a professional.  Instead my cousin posted and so now people are less likely to see it and think "Oh Jen hasn't had a response, maybe I can help" and believe me, at this point I'm way past wondering what other people experienced.  I mean, I care, but my issue is very different than other people have going into this so most people aren't going to have experiences that provide any help to me at this point because most people don't get as easily thrown off course by meds as I do.

Otherwise I just need to sleep and worry about cleaning the kitchen and putting the rest of the groceries in the basement pantry tomorrow.  In fact it is after med time I guess.  Time got away from me.  Oops.  And I had so much more to do today....Good thing tomorrow has no plans.

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