Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, October 09, 2006


First, this is my 100th post. Seems hard to believe. I had something in the works for this post but the timing just isn't there so we'll have pretend 100th post next week or something.

Today I heard some really neat things at the psychologists. Previously I've had therapists that made a big deal of every success. This one takes a while to get to "big deal". Which means that positive feedback is pretty meaningful.

Today I heard "You've done better with this than I expected". I also heard about my improved judgment and insight, which is also a big deal since those were pretty questionable for a while. And even more than that, I refused to admit there might be issues with those things at all just months ago.

I have no idea how the new job will turn out. But I do know that I can face a new job with confidence and courage I've never had before, because i have finally succeeded in taking care of me. I fully expect my last day, Thursday, to be tearful. I doubt I'll be thrilled about things for a while. But I am doing this KNOWING with all my heart that it's the right decision, and that I made it for the right reasons, using the right processes, and I'll be greatful for that for a very long time.

(Now if I can just avoid the man playing with the sound machine in the waiting room for the rest of my life.....It plays combinations of sounds and certain ones set my teeth on edge. The only way to get away is to wait outside and not only is it about time for bad weather, there is nowhere to sit out there and by the end of work and a long drive standing is not an option. So instead I cower from the noises....)

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