Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Oh I love the internet

One of my most hated things in the world is shopping. I can't stand noise and crowds. I do everything in my power to avoid these things. I go so far as to grocery shop for huge quantities at scarce intervals, order everything possible online, and at this point I am pretty sure I've not been in a mall since March.

I think I just finished about 75% of my Christmas shopping without leaving this chair. I can't tell you how much anxiety is relieved by this.

I may survive the holidays after all. If you'd known me a year ago you'd know why this is such a miracle that I can even think it.....a year ago I was in such bad shape that my psychiatrist called me on Christmas to make sure I was ok. I had my first ever spontaneous recovery from a severe episode soon after Christmas, followed immediately by the decline that makes up most of this blog.

And now, the best present in the world is that I am ok. For today. But for at least that long, I get to be me.

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