Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, May 21, 2007

Figuring it out

I have probably bored everyone who reads regularly to tears with repeating this, but I really am getting it. And I'm so proud of myself...

After so many years of trying to do everything the same as I would have without bipolar I am finally starting to let there be many limits on what I do. I'm starting to understand that my best IS my best, even when it's not what I would choose.

And it shows in such silly little things. Tomorrow I will be staying home sick again. If I pushed hard I could go back tomorrow, but I'm still very tired and weak and another night of cough syrup is not going to hurt me (can't take it before a work day). I am still coughing very hard, my nose is still running, and my head still hurts. All of these are reasons to stay home.

But I have never taken 2 sick days together. Never. Almost always if I take a sick day I offer to cover it on Saturday. Not this time.........

I am so proud of myself.


Jon said...

If you don't look out for yourself, nobody else will.

Anonymous said...

Jon is right! You can't take care of other people if you're not taking care of yourself!

I am very proud of your little realizations. I get so excited when I have my own so I know how excited you're getting! *hugs*

Jean Grey said...

You don't have to be bipolar to need a sick day. But it is true that part of living with bipolar is learning when to push and when not to. What your limits are, and what you can accomplish. I'm still trying to figure that one out. What am I capable of doing in this life? Probably more than I'm doing now, but not as much as I could wish for.