Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Not so much what I needed

I'm working on a huge pile of paperwork, trying to get stuff done from my assistant's vacations and be ready for my own next week. Plus I'm doing treatments and evaluations. I am hoping to get about 6 longterm patients evaluated in the next week, along with any new admissions. Therefore, I am very busy.

I spent a lot of today with white noise on. I really paid little attention to co-workers or what was going on. I didn't start treating until late afternoon, aside from putting a brace on someone and doing the pre-treat for that earlier.

I finally treated in the gym late this evening. I needed to be there, but it was the worst mistake of my life. Nursing homes are always hot and humid. They keep the air-conditioners on enough to take the edge off, but they rarely are actually comfortable for young people. This one is the best I have ever worked in, mainly because we have total control of our office temp. The office was arranged specifically so the air blows on me, and the other person closest is like me and is happy with it blowing cold. Plus we're the ones most in the office.

When I was in the gym I was very hot and started feeling very sick. I kept making myself think about other things because I know that my co-workers never do crazy things with the 2 units in the gym and that the gym is nearly always pretty much the exact temperature of the rest of the building, barring our office. When I started feeling light-headed I finally decided that I HAD to turn the air up.

Imagine my shock when the first unit was blowing full blast, on maximum heat. I turned it down and checked the 2nd. Again, full blast, maximum heat. That one claimed that 85 was the high end; I don't know how accurate that is. Regardless, it was extremely hot and it was not good for me at all. I'm still feeling confused and tired and weird. Hydration is only helping somewhat.

I know there's an explanation. I can't wait to find it. I stayed in there in heat that felt really wrong to me because I got confused when I got so hot. Heaven only knows what my patient was thinking.

I'm so frustrated.....

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