Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Friday, January 04, 2008

Just Stuff--and see if you can read between the lines

This has been a big few days. Yesterday I drug myself to the hospital for my thyroid check. I'm so sure that I'm feeling so tired because of that. My therapist confirms he didn't see signs of depression. I feel no depression. I am just exhausted. There are other things. My hair is back to falling out. This time it's a bit alarming as I've been more aware of how many gray hairs there are. I had my first noticeable in the mirror at all times grays a year ago, and if you look closely they are always there, but now I have a lot more in just a short time. Of course the last 2 years have been really stressful in general and stress does that. I can't believe that in 2 weeks this blog (and the coincidental story of how my life fell completely apart for a while) will be 2 years old.

Last night I needed to take on clothes shopping yet again. I should have a bunch of scrubs here any day but I have no casual or dressy in any way clothes except for one sweater and khakis. I wore those to a meeting last week and since I had another meeting this week with the same people it seemed wise to get new clothes. I discovered something: I've felt terrible shopping down here in Cow Pastureville because there are no clothes or selection for overweight women or for young overweight women especially. And even if I found something it invariably did not fit properly.

I went to the Kohl's in the City and lo and behold, a real women's department. Complete with things that I liked and which fit well and made me look nice. I finally felt remotely attractive for the first time in months. Wearing clothes that are falling off you does that after a while, you feel like a blob.

I talked to work about my return next Wednesday. I learned that I've been essentially reassigned to a facility even farther from home than I already drive. I'd anticipated this as a possibility and after today's meeting things will work out. I may have a really, really hard month ahead though before things change.

Read that as you will. I can't say specifics. Details to follow on the 16th. Assuming I survive that commute that long...


soulful sepulcher said...

Hi, I found your blog via Purple Dog, and just wanted to say good luck with work, and hope this is a good year for you.

Just Me said...

Thanks for stopping by and happy new year to you as well.

Jen in FL said...

Hooray for clothes that fit and make you feel attractive! Good luck with work and that thyroid thing. I hope all is OK. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay for new clothes! I had to go up a pants size recently and while it bummed me out, I'm so much more physically comfortable that it might be worth it!

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Best wishes for a happy return and a soon-to-be shorter commute.