Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, March 26, 2012


Dr. Mind is worried.  And now he's probably more worried.  He did some basic cognitve assessments (counting backward, counting backward by something, counting forward by 8s, orientation to date and date and remembering 3 words).  I struggled with counting backward, even by 1s.  I only remember 1/3 words even  with 2 tries.  I needed something to fidget with and didn't have any of my fidgets with me so he found a glue stick for me to mess with while we tried to talk.  I know we did, I do not have any clue really what was said besides this has to improve soon.  Left unspoken is the "or if" but I think we all know what that is.  He kept doing things that have helped me before and I couldn't do them.  One of them showed nothing but that I couldn't focus for just a few seconds.  I'd try to count one mark on the paper and would actually count 3, then try to fix it and mess up again.

And it's 9 pm and I've had a candy bar to eat all day.  I think I'll go heat up something.  Praying hard for sleep tonight.
Copyright 2006 www.masterofirony.blogspot.com

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