Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Don't know here......

Just in case, if I'm not writing much for a few days it is because I think my laptop battery is totally dead and I'm having trouble getting it to work just off AC. So I have a feeling tomorrow will involve a "quick" trip to the repair place. If it's just a battery I'll just have to live with the cost. If it's more, well that will leave me laptopless, and while I'll use my desktop it is so slow I don't have a ton of patience with it.

Not much really to say as of now. Christmas went pretty well. I spent most of it in one place with my foot up. No dogs hurt it, so that's a success.

I was so tired I slept later than I meant yesterday and didn't go to work until early afternoon.. Once there though I kicked butt and got through all my patients very rapidly. So I also got caught up on my nonbillable discharage pile.

Otherwise not much to say. Sleeping lots. Ankle very sore today.

That's it.

1 comment:

Michal Ann said...

Christmas Day with your foot up, no new bumps to the ankle, lots of sleep, butt kicking at work, getting caught up...that's a very good report! Great to hear.

I hope your laptop battery problems are soon solved.

The following verses will give me goals for the upcoming new year...boundaries, a positive focus, greater praise to the Lord, trust in His counsel...even in the night, for my heart will be instucted by His wisdom day by day.

Really...I will strive for these things and encourage you as I am encouraged. 2009 has been the worst year of my life. I'm going to do my best to MAKE 2010 better.

Psalm 16: 6-8

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the LORD,
who counsels me;
even at night
my heart instructs me.

I have set the LORD
always before me.
Because He is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.