Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Saturday, October 08, 2011


I went to the grocery and the flooring store (must replace basement flooring because of molds after it flooded sometime before my surgery. Have to do it now because it's causing asthmatic reactions this morning. It is not cheap, nor do I want to prioritize it over upstairs. But whatever, do what you have to, etc. My mother took me to the store, which I'm sure was good for her as well after the cat dying this morning. She so didn't want to euthanize and there just was no other kind choice by the end. But the good news is that my eyes are crossing less today. It's not gone, but I'd say I can even drive since there's not been any point that I absolutely couldn't see. I don't have anywhere to go until Tuesday so hopefully by then it will be none at all. I can't believe how tired I am. I also am experiencing a lot of questions about going to back to work in 2.5 weeks. I want to. I have absolutely no idea how I can do this though. Currently my depression is bad enough to keep me from wanting to leave my bed, much less my home. I know that leaving home will probably help that, I have to be certain my eyes will focus before I can do anything. And that has really messed things up; I had plans for pretty much every day last week that involved some time away from home. It turned out I had to cancel all but Dr. Brain. So no plans going into to this week except for going to Cleveland and seeing both surgeons for follow-up Wed (I'll be spending the night before), then returning on the 15th to see Dr. Brain. I have someone coming to install my new door on Tuesday as well as Dr. Mind and Thursday I have a pulmonologist appointment and Dr. Mind. Which counts as something, but I need non-medical. I have a lot of years that are very hazy in my memory. None were as hazy as immediately as the last 6 weeks. I have pts. complain about this frequently and I always tell them to be grateful as it's not things they want to remember and I still believe this. But I also feel so confused about time; I know the date of when I came home from the hospital and use that as a reference point. I do not though have almost any memories from being Cleveland for the CT and seeing the urologist until now. It's weird. Even the hospital is mostly blank although there are some memories. Somehow it seems like I should keep them active as I am scared I'll have to go back for depression. I know I won't but then again if you asked if I'd spend any time this year inpatient now is not when I would have chosen. Great, NOW my eyes are crossing. I should have known to not say anything. (Really the typing screen or typing are about the most likely things to cause the eye crossing.

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