Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lots of stuff

You'll have to forgive me. An asthma attack and need to use stimulating meds has transformed me into a shaky, manic version of my depression self. In other words, I'd like to sleep but I'm shaking. That was the first real attack I've had since I quit leaving home except for medical appointments. No idea what caused it. I did walk up some stairs but I do that all the time. Oh well, makes tomorrow's pulmnology followup appropriate. Plus I think I have sleep apnea. The dr. has implied this but since I was intubated/also since I've not been sleeping well, I wake myself with snoring and then needing air. Just what I need. For those who haven't been able to comment this does seem to be working at least sometimes now. I'm going to contact blogger. I also will go back to the old format and see if that changes anything. Today I saw both gynecological surgeons. I got good news. My doctor thinks that the fact I've twice had cramps but really nothing like a period means I may be not only in the 50% who stop periods on Mirena totally but I may be in the tinier percent that it happens fast. I may still get a period, I may get one per year or something like that even, but period is a big name for what seems likely. (Watch tomorrow turn into a blood bath :). They also think they probably can let this one stay in more like 7 years and that would probably get me to the end of menopause based on my mother. The only pain I've had in a long time is soreness in the same area if I overdo. The dr. confirmed this is just from having muscles cut there for one of the little incisions, then it also is why I was biopsied and that she poked around the most there. So she agrees, no problem. I need to take back my hurt and bitter statement about my friend from the hospital. She did not unfacebook me, I just can't work facebook. And she answered my email today. I need to trust people more. Surprise! I probably was given one of the drugs I was concerned about as a cause of my askasthesia during my surgery. I had to request the reports to go through but it was prescribed for after surgery so may well have been given during. I hope I can find it as this really affects what I will take in the future. And I want to know anything that can cause akasthesia. Aside from antipsychotics I am never taking a risky med again and those only because I'm likely to be safe with what I take. Well, that and I'm kind of crazy without them. I got my statement from my surgery and hospitalizations. It comes to more than I thought. But imagine my surprise to find that not only have they still not correctly submitted the insurance claims from a bunch Dr. Brain visits, they also didn't submit my $634 visit to Dr. Pee, so they think I owe them over $2000 that is totally covered by my insurance. I am so sick of fighting about these claims. One thing that was past my having to pay anything and best stay there is that I was charged nearly $1800 for a respiratory therapist to come give me asthma meds while on psych. Since I handle my inhaler just fine at home and the nurses know how to use them I think that policy is a total rip-off. I had 2 breathing treatments then as well but again, nurses are fully qualified. I'm starting to think my asthma attack may have been caused by a cold. My nose is dripping and the usual post-asthma attack cement is in my throat. I guess if I'm going to get my first cold before I go back is better. I feel like I had some other big thing to post about. But now I remember that when I did this I wasn't going to post at all, I was about to email my sister. Sheesh. I can't wait until I am no longer um, lacking in concentration, to be kind. I also can't wait until I see Dr. Mind tomorrow and Dr. Brain Saturday. I am really afraid of returning to the hospital with depression and they will both be seriously assessing me. Right now (this moment) that is much improved because of the asthma medication. But in another 6 hours or so I'll be as I have been. And that is not good. I need Dr. Brain to sort out what confusion is me and what confusion is medication too, as that may make me feel better. And it is now time to take pills. Oh so many pills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very very glad to hear that a Facebook communication problem was the only issue with your "fickle" friend. No judgment about why it's hard to trust!

I scored horribly on my written exam but by God's grace was almost perfect on the palpation test. Crazy. The teacher wrote a very kind note but I feel horrible...and exhausted. I know that's nothing in comparision to what you're dealing with, not that comparisons should be made.

PLEASE know that I'm concerned about you and continue to pray with pride and compassion.

Love, Michal