Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I may be some time

However, unlike the explorer who said that originally I actually will be back.  I just don't know how the next few days will play out.  I know I won't be doing patient care quite yet which is a good thing.  I have some back-ups in the works if it's too much.  But my guess is that 1-2 days of this and I'll be a very different sleeper. It's just going to be painful.

I saw Dr. Mind today and talked a lot about how strongly led I have felt in the decisions I've made and how I have realized there is a huge part of this that has to do with I thought the 3 of us had control of my bipolar and therefore no more surprises would occur.  I was wrong.  Talking very direct about faith is hard for me but when Dr. Mind pulled this in it has been helpful.  I also found out today that not only was a card I made where Dr. Brain can easily access it one I sent to him 2 years ago when he came in vomiting to see me had been on his desk for a very long time.  And all that one said was "thanks".  So I'm starting to learn to trust people care.  It's a lesson that I'm not so good at.

So, don't worry if I don't write until the weekend.  Tomorrow should be ok.  But Thursday is Dr. Mind day again and I am fully expecting my sleep to rapidly flip flop as my brain realizes we're working.  The next week or two is going to be tough with that.

While you are desperately waiting for me, because I know that's all you do, here's something neat.  Julia was interviewed by someone who apparently is rather famous in blogland.  It's an interesting interview about the ways the internet gives us support we couldn't easily find previously (I'm kind of  modifying), but she talks about Gage and I and that makes me happy.  I think Julia needs to come to Ohio after hearing that.  The plus side Julia is that the wild animal thing is between Dawn and I and so you can imagine wild animals running around in the dark.  It's a true ghost story, sadly.

And now I'm going to keep working on sleep.....

1 comment:

Julia Roberts said...

Here's a link to the interview -- just a few seconds for the radio link to come up under the intro copy. http://www.thehiredguns.com/blogs/2011/10/11/get-your-blog-on-julia-roberts-of-kidneys-and-eyes-talks-about-building-a-community/