Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, September 27, 2010

More on however you say the name of this place I live

I had been considering this for a while but decided to go for it last week.

During times I am well enough I'd like this blog to reflect my life a little.  More than work and illness and treatments, the things beyond that.  One of the things that I truly treasure and which I am becoming more attuned to as I work in the most rural places imaginable is my Appalachian culture.

There are ways that I have been pulled away from the culture.  Growing up with an English teacher I never used some of the slang, although I do/did drop the"g' from "ing" and have a number of characteristics of my speech that are pure Appalachian.  However, I (sadly) worked hard to get rid of some of it in college because I wanted nothing to do with my past, and then in grad school my accent changed because people in Michigan talk very differently than how I did.  For whatever reason I am totally unable to re-learn colloquial vowels,so that everyone thinks my name is some variation of "Jan" rather than Jen.  I can't hear it, although others do, that last bit of Michigan in there.  In college I had a professor from Appalachia as well and my roommate would tease me  after his classes because I'd leave with the accent much stronger.  There are other ways I'm "different":  educated, female and educated, the level of education I have, female homeowner (especially back when i first owned the house in my twenties), unmarried, childless and intending to stay that way,and I've lived a significant part of my life outside of this culture.

But I also see it all the time.  I have patients who speak traditional Appalachian, and I'll give you some of those phrases when my meds aren't kicking in sometime.

But for now, as soon as I get around to it, I'm going to start sharing some of what I see on my daily trips around the countryside.  The trick is that all photos are taken from a moving car.  I haven't looked so see what I've captured, and I know I missed one I really want:  the camper with a portapotty where someone lives.  That one I'll have to keep  trying.  I also have to avoid my patients' homes and possessions. However, there are still thousands of things to see.  Some of what I want to capture is the beauty of rolling hills as far as you can see, the rural churches that are almost more frequently seen than farmhouses; the lovely colors as fall comes (although this is going to be a bland fall due to lack of rain) and hopefully I can find a way to show the craziness of the wealth that is interspersed with the poverty.  There's literally one place I know of with a home worth at least $250000 HERE (lots more elsewhere) side by side with shacks.  It's kind of weird.

I'll bring my camera in soon an we'll see what I've gotten so far.

1 comment:

WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

I live in the Missouri Ozarks, where most of the hill people originated in Appalachia and moved west, so many traditions and music are similar. Not many of the old hill people left in our section of the country, but further south there are still a few folks living without electricity and running water - by choice.