Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I need a dime

Actually I need about 4 of 'em. And 3 or 4 quarters too. Mania has taken over. All it takes is one goal-oriented project and off we go.

I was cleaning this evening and discovered that not only did I have enough coins saved to make sorting them worthwhile, I had a huge amount of change saved up and already rolled. So I ran everything through my sorter machine and came out with an unbelievable amount. Enough my vacation will not be an issue.

The problem is that when I'm manic I tend to behave in some obsessive compulsive ways. OK, very, very obsessive compulsive. And right now I know that if I could only add just a few more coins to those 2 rolls I could have $15 more.

I already made a trip to the car and to the basement to the laundry room. I crawled behind the entertainment center.

I just got one more idea. But this is another sign of how badly I've lost control; I've upended my house for less than a dollar, mainly becauseI can't stand to relax and deal with it tomorrow, which would be the logical thing to do since I'm sure my mom will dig around for it or I can buy something to get change, giving me the $15.

Now, back to the ssssssssslllllllllloooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg down thing.......

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