Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Good part of being bipolar

Wait 2 minutes and you will not feel the same....

Tonight I am suddenly quite mixed.  I'm exhausted but need to do things.  I spent a nice long chunk of time folding and putting away clothes and am doing laundry obsessively.  I seem to turn to laundry when I need stuff to stay busy for some reason.  The sad thing was sorting clothes and leaving out the ones I know I'd want for a hospital stay.  I don't think that will be forced upon me, but I do think it has enough potential to try to keep those clothes out of the laundry rotation if I can.  Like I said, w hat I really want is to try this week to get my lithium levels to the target and see what that does and if I'm not significantly improved when I see Dr. Brain again Saturday then I think we need to try something more drastic which with her off means I'd probably need to be inpatient, which wouldn't happen until Sunday or Monday.Who knows how she'll feel about this and I don't even know that she can set up a contingent admission, but I'm going to try to argue for this unless she has a magic pill hiding somewhere and I think that would have some up in the last few months.

At least this helps me stay awake.  I have to go get labs done 12 hours after I take lithium.  I want to make that later so that I can sleep later.  Not that I've been asleep without a lot of extra meds in a long time, but it may happen someday and I don't want to miss this lab.  I'm under firm instructions to not miss it in fact.

And the laundry just stopped.  So I'm going to get my allergy mattress cover (versus my waterproof one that resides underneath because I have memory foam which doesn't like water and I'm a klutz) dried so i can make my bed and enjoy clean sheets.

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