Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Saturday, October 17, 2009

That was informative

Out of curiousity I just did one of those depression inventory things. I knew I wasn't feeling great, but it's also weird because I do not feel as bad as I thought I would. Obviously I still have a ways to go before I get to the worst of this, and some parts of any screening don't make a lot of sense when you have made a decision to do this to yourself, but I took two and both times scored severely depressed, and not just at the low end of that either.

The thing that is amazing though is that while those scores are a little off due to this not just being a random occurence, I truly wouldn't have guessed I was there yet. I have felt so incredibly much worse than I do right now, and I have lived that way for literally years without a break.

It's one of those many times that I am amazed at how little I know about how sick I was. And I am so, so glad I don't remember so much of it. I pray that I wn't remember this time well eventually.

(And for those keeping track, I am now almost done with 2 pots of soup. Lots more to go. I'm going to hopefully get one more done this evening, then I'll throw one in the crockpot before bed, and hopefully I'll get things prepared to start the next without any real work in the morning. I am so glad Dr. Mind told me to do this. I am already so tired it's hard. Next week it would have been too much. I am still so incredibly tired just from the shopping last night.)

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