Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, October 05, 2009

This company deserves love

I've written many times about my weighted blanket. After I tried a commercial 9 lb one and discovered that it helped I asked for and was given a custom one for Christmas a few years ago. I researched carefully and chose a place that I liked the construction technique, had free shipping, made very heavy and full-sized blankets, and let me choose the fabric to meet my own sensory needs. I wound up with a 22 lb. blanket made of fabric usually used for baby blankets called Minkee dots. It is extremely soft and "rubbable" (which must be a real word; spell-checker didn't panic. Huh), and meets my need precisely.

The place I used, weightedblanket.net, is not the cheapest when you look. However, the free shipping is worth a great deal, especially with an adult sized blanket. They also don't charge more for certain fabrics, which a lot of places do (and Minkee dots are the most expensive fabric usually).

I now owe them a great amount of loyalty. I ordered a smaller blanket for use in the hospital yesterday. I thought it was pre-made, then the confirmation made it seem otherwise. I contacted them to clarify and got a nice email back that it wasn't pre-made, but they will prioritize it and send it by the end of this week since I need it soon.

Therefore Dreamcatcher blankets has officially earned place in my (very brand-loyal) heart. It's now up there with the one brand/style of dress pants I wear, the detergents and soaps I choose, the very specific bra I go out of my way to buy, and various other preferences I've made into my lifestyle in a rather obsessive way.

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