Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, September 26, 2011

new meds

I've been prescribed meds to help with this.  I'll get some this afternoon I think.  He said he thinks a few more days and I'll be done; we'll see about that.  I'm not leaving until i feel stable and I question that anything will do that so fast.  But at least something is happening. 
My friends are all discharged.  Feeling sad.  Hoping this means I'll be able to sit still so I can do something like read now that I have less to do with all the excessive playtime.
The dr was very nice, very understanding and I was blunt that I've been here 5 days with bandaid treatments.  I don't totally trust the treatment plan but it's different than my usual so that's probably why. 
I want to go home but now I'm afraid of being sent too soon before I feel stable enough.  3 days would mean only 4 days of reallly being treated and I don't want to go home and wind up with severe insomnia, etc. again.  I also don't want my moods to be so crazy; I need to not constantly be cycling.  Right now the cycling scares me.
But we'll see and they'll keep me as long as needed, I'm sure.  I'm just so frustrated that nobody did anything for 5 days when there is a standard treatment for this issue that includes treating the pain.  I have constant pain from muscle tightness and I shouldn't.
Here goes nothing....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm VERY glad to hear that you had an understanding doctor with whom you could be blunt. I'm praying that the new regimen will help enormously. Good for you that you're sticking to your guns re: being sent home too soon. I think you will be a blessing to someone new when you make another friend.

So glad for Monday! Thanks for the news.

(((hugs))) and blessings on your body, soul, mind, will, emotions and spirit! Michal