Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Genesis 9:13

Monday, November 30, 2009

Major mess

I can't really post fully right now, because I'm in the midst of trying to work some of this out, because I'm waiting for phone calls, and because I can't cry right now and this is a lot to handle without crying.

Quick breakdown:
-Dr. confirms-I'm really sick. Off work til Wed. Work unhappy. Never mind I've not eaten in 3 days and may have appendicitis and am off psych meds they don't know I take, they're mad.

-I may have atypical appendicitis. It's under clear suspicion and I have the following situation going: I had more bloodwork today. If it shows worsening of infection then I'll see a surgeon ASAP. If any pain increases or I get a fever, I'm back at the ER. If I'm not eating and more normally digesting by Thursday I get a CT again and see a surgeon.

-I got more nausea meds. This part is good.

-This is the part I simply can't go into right now. I am now at high risk for allergic reaction to the patch, if I didn't have an allergy already that was what flared up Saturday. So I can't take it until Dr. Brain clears it, if she will. And that has turned into a huge disaster.

More on that part later. It may be much later, after I see Dr. Mind (this is so upsetting I'm driving all the way BACK to the city to see him tonight), depending on who I talk to when.

1 comment:

Michal said...

Oh. my. goodness! This IS a mess! A multi-faceted mess! What are you doing driving yourself to the city?? You need some HELP!

Your employer's anger is ridiculous! Haven't they heard of contagion being a bad thing around the elderly? Appendicitis?? What do they expect?? Do you need a note from Dr. Body?

Hang on! This is a wild ride! You must really feel like Job, sores and all! I'm glad you're dealing with the rash. I take a small amount of Lamictal and I know rash is one of the bad side effects. It hasn't bothered me.

Thanks for the note about Zicam gel messing with my sense of smell.


"But I trust in You, O Lord. I say "You are my God." My times are in your hands.

Psalm 31: 14-15

Keep trusting! In spite of the "chemotherapy" and chronic illness aspect of your trials and tribulations, there is no other God. As Job and I have said "Though you slay me, yet will I trust You." There is no other God so our choices are to go through these valleys with Him or without Him. The trials are the trials, common to man...and He is still the same. I can't believe He is a "bad" God in spite of the pain and struggle on this broken planet. Again, hold on! You cope VERY well in spite of it ALL!

You have my utmost concern and sympathy.